
Revamp your Routine

When sedentary or unhealthy routines become habitual, your mental and physical health likely suffers the consequences. Make a change to your life by committing to add more beneficial behaviors. The additions do not have to […]


Sticking to Resolutions

Whether you resolve to lose weight or change an unhealthy habit, sticking to a year-long commitment requires determination and dedication. For many, staying on track is easy for the first few months. Still, as the […]


Eating For Healthy Skin

Most are familiar with the role diet plays in maintaining a waistline. Did you know certain foods are also a contributor to the overall health of your skin? To keep your body’s largest organ’s youthfulness, […]


Wrap Up Holiday Stress

The holiday season can be tough. Days are shorter and to-do lists are longer, and the combination may stretch your nerves to the breaking point. But there’s help, this time from the Mayo Clinic. Keep […]


Overcoming COVID-19 Anxiety

The COVID-19 pandemic caused near-record unemployment and left many people looking for ways to support their families.  This unfortunate situation during the time of year when we are used to heading out on summer vacations […]


Eat these Superfoods

The 2020 US Dietary Guidelines recommend healthy eating patterns, “combining healthy choices from across all food groups — while paying attention to calorie limits.” Research has shown that doing so can reduce risk of high blood […]


Walking Away Stress

The benefits of walking regularly go far beyond improved physical health. Although walking can help you lose weight and get in a healthier shape, it has additional emotional benefits you may not realize. One of the biggest […]