
Stay Hydrated, Stay Healthy

Water is essential for proper body function. Seniors are especially prone to dehydration because appetite and thirst diminish as we age. Even when your body needs more to drink, you may not know it. Your […]


Diving into Wellness

Pools have long been associated with relaxation and recreation, but they can play a significant role in promoting overall wellness. Incorporating various types of pools into your wellness routine can offer a range of physical […]


Recognizing Stroke Symptoms

Strokes show up differently in men and women. Men are generally at a higher risk of having a stroke than women, but women tend to have more severe strokes and have a higher risk of […]


Think Positive

When things aren’t going your way, it’s easy to shut yourself off from the world and assume everything will get worse. Practicing positive thinking can remove the invisible rain cloud and let in the sunshine. […]


Don’t Dread the Swimsuit

When swimsuit season is approaching, many of us begin to notice the extra pounds we’ve packed on over the winter months. If you’ve let a few extra pounds slip on, toning exercises can help you […]