“One of my favorite things at Missouri Magazine is celebrating the people and heart behind so many amazing businesses throughout the state of Missouri. It is my pleasure to introduce to you, Chelsea McGill, the face behind Grind Coffee Shop located in California, Missouri.” -Cheri Cranford, Founder & CEO of Missouri Magazine.
Missouri Magazine: Tell us your role at Grind:
Chelsea McGill: I am the founder/owner of Grind
Missouri Magazine: What do you love most about living in Missouri?
Chelsea McGill: I love the seasons that Missouri gives us. I often
say I would love to live where the weather is warm all the time, but I truly
enjoy the changing seasons. (As long as winter doesn’t feel like it lasts too
Missouri Magazine: How long have you worked or lived
in Missouri?
Chelsea McGill: I moved to Missouri when I was 3 years old. My
parents took a job in St. Louis and moved from Denver, CO.
Missouri Magazine: What is your favorite restaurant?
Chelsea McGill: This is a hard question. (You may want to keep
this out because I can’t nail down one! Lol) Eating out is my favorite. I like
different restaurants for different reasons/occasions. Madison’s or Love Sushi
if I am in JC, CC’s City Broiler if we are celebrating. We enjoy Robbie D’s,
Burger Haus and Jalisco’s Mexican in California. Have I mentioned I love to
Missouri Magazine: If you could travel anywhere in the world right now,
where would it be and why?
Chelsea McGill: I would love to take a trip with my family to the
beach- unplugged. A week of no phones, just the warm weather and the
Missouri Magazine: How big is your family?
Chelsea McGill: I am married to my high school sweetheart and we
have 2 girls.
Missouri Magazine: What is something on your bucket list?
Chelsea McGill: I want to give something life changing away to
someone in need. Like a car or a house.
Missouri Magazine: What are your family’s favorite activities?
Chelsea McGill: My girls are both on our local swim team, it’s
our favorite thing to travel and watch them compete. We love to participate in
anything happening in our community and stay active in our church.
Missouri Magazine: Where can someone find you when you are not at
Chelsea McGill: In the summer I am typically at the pool with my
girls. The rest of the year you can find me anywhere with family. We are
blessed to be surrounded by family on both sides and love spending time with
Missouri Magazine: What do you consider your greatest professional
Chelsea McGill: Definitely Grind. It has been a thought and a
dream for many years and seeing how far the dream has come has been my most
rewarding achievement.
Missouri Magazine: Do you have a favorite local charity?
Chelsea McGill: I used to volunteer for HALO House in JC and
still love their organization. In Moniteau County I am passionate about the
Heros Outreach program- Veterans meet every Monday morning in my event center
for coffee and conversation. Seeing my brother in law recover from his tour in
Iraq has been an eye-opening experience- I want to help provide a safe place
for our veterans to talk and decompress with each other.
Missouri Magazine: What are some of your local favorite places?
Chelsea McGill: Local- California: Oak Street Business District,
Elevate Fitness Studio, Burger Haus, The Flower Shop for All Occasions, Exhale
Spa, The Milkbarn, Robbie D’s, LC Nails, Something Sassy, Brockes Tire, Clennin
Farm Supply, and I’m sure I have missed a few! I love our town and the amazing
business owners who help give options to shop local.
Missouri Magazine: What is your favorite quote?
Chelsea McGill: “If you can’t run, then walk, if you can’t
walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, keep moving forward.” Martin Luther
King Jr.
Missouri Magazine: What is your favorite music? Name three bands you
would like to see.
Chelsea McGill: I love all music, but I turn into a different
person when I hear 90’s music. I loved the music in the 90’s. Three bands I
want to see: Maroon 5, Wilson Phillips, Justin Bieber. (I have no shame)
Missouri Magazine: What is something interesting that most people
don’t know about you?
Chelsea McGill: I just realized the other day that I am a 6-generation
entrepreneur. My family has owned a general store, cafe, wheat farm, investment
properties, a promotional products business, a body shop, insurance agency,
hair salon, boarding house and coffee shop! We believe in chasing dreams and
problem solving.
If you’d like to learn more about Grind Coffee Shop follow them on Facebook or visit their website here.