The 116th Missouri State Fair, themed “Come Home,” kicks off this Thursday in Sedalia. Tens of thousands of visitors are expected through the gates Aug. 9, and many are looking forward to the deals being offered on gate admission and at participating concessions and vendors. Fairgoers in attendance on Thursday will also enjoy livestock shows, Fair food, entertainment, and many other State Fair traditions including the Opening Day Ceremony, Parade, and Queen Pageant.
The Fair’s opening day, sponsored by MFA Incorporated, will offer $4 gate admission for visitors 13 years old and older, $2 admission for age 6-12, and free admission for kids 5 and under every day. Many concessionaires and vendors will offer “2 for $4” discounts on this day. A complete list of specials offered exclusively on Thursday, Aug. 9 will be available at the Fair’s information booths.
The Opening Day Ceremony will be the first official State Fair event beginning at 12 p.m. on the south side of the Agriculture Building. Special guests will include 100 youth representing the Boys and Girls Club of West Central Missouri. The youth are being brought to the Fair with support from KCP&L, Wade Shows, he Missouri State Fair, Missouri Cattlemen’s Association, AgriMissouri/Missouri Grown and Kansas City Area Toyota Dealers. Toyota is the official vehicle of the 2018 Missouri State Fair.
The Opening Day Parade will begin at 6 pm and will include more than 100 units. MFA Incorporated, sponsor of Opening Day, will lead the parade down State Fair Boulevard. Other parade entries will include antique and classic cars, farm vehicles, the Smith-Cotton Marching Band, and various Fair-themed entries.
Great entertainment for all ages will be offered at no charge on Opening Day, including the MRCA Exceptional Rodeo at 10 am and the 2018 Missouri State Fair Queen Pageant and Coronation at 6 pm in the Mathewson Exhibition Center. The Budweiser Stage will feature the Nace Brothers at 2 pm and 6 pm and Madd Hoss Jackson at 9 pm. The MRCA Show-Me State Stampede and Rodeo will take place in the State Fair Arena, sponsored by Husqvarna, starting at 7 pm. Montgomery Gentry and Whiskey Myers will kick off the Pepsi Grandstand concert series at 7:30 pm. with fireworks to follow, sponsored by Bryant Motors. Tickets for the Pepsi Grandstand and State Fair Arena can be purchased at the State Fair Box Office, open from 9 am to 6 pm, Aug. 7-8 and 9 am to 9 pm, Aug. 9-19.
The 116th Missouri State Fair, themed “Come Home” will be held Aug. 9-19 in Sedalia. For more information about concerts, events, and other Fair activities, visit mostatefair.com, follow the Fair on Facebook and Twitter, or call 1-800-FAIR (3247).