The Miracle of Christmas show at Sight and Sound Theater showcases the true story of Christmas and brings it to life at a beloved theater in Branson. Bring the whole family along this holiday season and have an unforgettable time learning about the true meaning of Christmas in Branson MO! Take a trip to Branson for brand new traditions this year, creating lasting memories for you and your loved ones to look back on for years and years to come.
The Miracle of Christmas Branson story starts with Joseph and Mary of Nazareth during their trials they go through leading up to the birth of Jesus of Bethlehem. See how the Nazareth townspeople betray them and the Roman rule of Herod and his soldiers as they threaten to destroy their way of living. The play comes to life as it is partnered with trained live animals that are housed on-site. Visitors get to see beautiful horses, sheep, and so much more during this amazing play. The show also employs a very extensive cast to bring the story of Mary and Joseph to life. Audiences will watch as you see a young Mary told of her fulfilling destiny to carry the son of God, the story takes place from conception to his birth. Filled with beautiful costumes throughout the entire cast as the shepherds and kinds travel on camels to present gifts to Jesus. This production will really captivate the audience while enjoying the Biblical scene of Jesus’ birth brought to life in a brand new life-changing way.
At the Sight and Sound Theatre, your experience will be dramatically enhanced by the spectacular special effects, visual and audio effects, creative lighting technique, and gorgeous costumes, angels, Bible stories, and a classic miraculous journey that all come together to comprise this beautiful stage production
and nativity story.
While on vacation during Christmas in Branson, make sure you revel in the wonder as this timeless and dramatizing Christmas story come to life before your very eyes with the Miracle of Christmas at the Sight and Sound Theater!
Sight & Sound Theater
Each year, hundreds of thousands of people visit the Sight & Sound Theater in Branson Missouri to marvel at their creative productions. The Sight & Sound Theater in Branson is a state-of-the-art high-energy production venue with pyrotechnic engineering, mechanical stage, beautiful music productions, live actors in elaborate costumes, sets ranging up to 40-foot-tall, extensive flight systems, multimedia and 3-D video presentations, and even lasers. All these production elements work together to bring classic Bible tales to life on stage. Kick back and relax in comfortable seats that provide amazing views. This famous Christian theater is one of the best in the country and prides itself on an immersive in-person experience. The company has created many shows for the Branson Missouri area and Pennsylvania Amish Country throughout the decades. Just a few of these beloved live shows held at this theater include Jonah, the Miracle of Christmas Branson, Moses at Sight and Sound, and more. Visitors to this Christian theater have been able to see an array of biblical characters brought to life. Each production is entirely unique with original musical scores and meticulously crafted shows that can take up to 42 months to create. The family-owned Christian theater has been opened since 1976 when it began as a small production in Amish Country Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
About the Live Animals at Miracle of Christmas
Of course, one of the things that absolutely sets Sight and Sound Theater in Branson apart from other area shows is the fact that they utilize live animals in each of their shows. They are reared well and treated like part of the family with on-site animal care facilities at each Sight and Sound Theater location. Sight and Sound has utilized animals from camels and donkeys to more obscure animals such as skunks. This addition blows other shows out of the water, and you do not want to miss the opportunity to see one of them live!
During the holiday season, be sure to check out the Sight and Sound Christmas show 2024! Do not miss out on this Ozark Mountain celebration with Miracle of Christmas Branson at Sight and Sound Theater. This show is sure to feature an extraordinary journey through the Bible with one of Sight & Sound’s most beloved live theatre productions! Get your admission passes now to this spectacular performance!