Machines Oer Kansas City the Perfect Opportunity to Give Back this
Holiday Season, Located at Union Station
Tavia Hunt, wife of Chiefs Chairman and CEO Clark Hunt, as well as Tammy Reid, wife of head coach Andy Reid of the Kansas City Chiefs, are bringing a big, red present for Kansas City to open.
On Saturday, November 30 at 9:00 a.m. at Union Station, Tavia Hunt and Tammy Reid, along
with Governor Mike Parson, Mayor Quinton Lucas, Elder Gerrit W. Gong, member of the
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and charity
leaders, will host an unwrapping ceremony for the 2024 Light the World Giving Machines KC,
sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The machines provide an
instant act of service for people who want to help those in their community and around the
Similar to a vending machine, visitors can make donations with the swipe of a card by
purchasing items ranging in price from $5 to $200 and include staples such as clothing,
meals and school supplies, medical equipment and livestock as well as experiences such as
a Day of Discovery at Science City.
This is the fourth year that the Giving Machines have come to Kansas City. This year’s
machines will benet nine charities – seven local and two global.
Local nonprot beneciaries this year include:
● Pawsperity
● Community Services League
● Flourish: A Furniture Bank
● Amethyst Place
● El Centro Inc.
● Mayor’s Christmas Tree Fund
● Science City at Union Station
Global charities this year include the American Red Cross and Church World Service.
The Giving Machines KC will be at Union Station this year, located at 30 W. Pershing Road,
and will be on Level One in the Grand Hall. They will remain in the area through Jan. 1, 2025.
Donations can also be made at lighttheworld.org/give for those not able to visit the
machines in person. One hundred percent of all donations go directly to the participating
The #LightTheWorld Giving Machines were launched in Salt Lake City by The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which covers the overhead costs. Exactly 100 percent of
every item purchased goes directly to the non-prot of choice so it can be distributed to
communities in need. Since 2017, the initiative has raised over $32 million for its
participating charities. In the past three years, Giving Machines KC raised over $750,000.
The Bonner Family, a family of eight children along with their parents, will be singing at the
unwrapping ceremony. The family members live all over the United States, but music and
giving unite them. The family wrote a song titled, “Let’s Light the World” as a way to inspire
and encourage people to donate during the giving season.
For more information, go to givingmachineskc.org. And on social, #LightTheWorld or GivingMachinesKC.