There is no fresher way to get your produce than picking it off a tree yourself. Many
farms around the country offer the ability to do just that. This summer, take your
family to a pick-your-own farm to find discounted fruits and enjoy an amazing experience.
Purchasing your produce at a PYO farm not only saves you money but benefits the local economy. Supporting your local farmers is a great way to ensure these farms will be around when your children are old enough to take their own families on this unique summer adventure.
Finding fun activities during the summertime can be expensive for families. A visit to a PYO farm is an affordable way to get everyone excited. They provide a great family-friendly atmosphere that children will beg to revisit several times a year. Giving your children the opportunity to eat their fruit right from the source is a great way to teach them about nature. They will quickly understand where their food comes from. Teach them to be respectful when they are choosing their delicious apple right from the tree. Gently twisting the apple rather than pulling will keep the tree’s integrity intact.
Most farms also have fun activities for children. Don’t be surprised if you come home with pictures and memories of your family enjoying a hayride or petting zoo. A PYO farm is a wholesome tradition to incorporate into your family’s busy life.
You might be surprised how easy it is to find a PYO farm in your area. There are several ways you can locate one nearby. Your local government’s agricultural department typically lists a map on its website of local PYO farms. They will likely have a chart showing which fruits are available during certain months. It’s a great tool to pick the perfect time to visit based on your family’s tastes. Word of mouth is another great source of information. Ask friends and colleagues if they have visited a farm and their thoughts on their trip.
Taking a road trip this summer? While planning your route, find a PYO farm on the way. Your family (and legs) will love spending the afternoon enjoying delicious fruits and taking a break from the car.