There’s never enough time for a good long hike or bike ride during the workweek. If you’re inclined toward nature, use your staycation to get outside.
Go hiking, biking, camping, fishing or rock climbing. Many Americans live close enough to facilities that allow for these activities, so you don’t have to spend a day driving. Look around your city and region to see what it has to offer.
EXPLORE A STATE OR NATIONAL PARK The United States has 58 national parks, 117 national monuments and more than 8,500 state parks. Find one near you and explore it. The state parks, often overlooked because of the fame of their national counterparts, can be especially good finds. According to America’s State Parks, these comprise almost 19 million acres of the country with 52, 603 miles of trails, 221,000 campsites and marina, stables, golf courses and more. Go take advantage of the of the 14,000 trails.
GO FOR A RIDE Even if you’re not a regular cyclist, this can be a fun activity; just be ready for how sore your bottom will be after the first day of riding. Many cities have trail systems that wind through parks and along rivers and allow you to stay away from automobile traffic. If yours doesn’t, or you’ve spent a lot of time riding through your city, load up your bike and drive to the next town over to explore it. Don’t have a bike? Many bike shops will let you rent one — road or mountain, if you’re feeling really adventurous, or tandem, if you’re feeling romantic. Always wear a helmet and obey traffic rules when you’re riding a bike.
TURN YOUR YARD INTO AN OUTDOOR DESTINATION If you don’t live near campgrounds or just prefer to sleep in your own bed, you can get similar experiences closer to home. Grill hot dogs or cook tin foil dinners in your backyard and make s’mores over the grill. Set up a tent in your backyard or set up a hammock and fall asleep under the stars. Just be ca