Another activity that exploded during the pandemic was keeping houseplants. Here’s a way to get crafty and flex that green thumb from HGTV.
6-inch terra cotta pots White spray paint Drop cloth Two nail polish colors A disposable bowl filled with lukewarm water Toothpick Clear acrylic spray paint Disposable gloves
1. Spray paint your pots with white spray paint. Use thin, even strokes and let them dry overnight. 2. Drizzle your nail polish colors into the bowl of lukewarm water. Make sure your container is large enough to allow for twisting the terra cotta pot. Start with the lightest color and pour close to the surface of the water to keep it from sinking to the bottom. 3. Swirl the colors with a toothpick to create a marbled effect. 4. Quickly dip the pot and twist it into the bowl before the polish can dry. Use disposable gloves; this can get messy. Have fun creating different designs and patterns. 5. Put the pot on the drop cloth and allow it to dry overnight.
Finish with clear spray paint to seal. If you’re looking for some low-maintenance lovelies to put in your pots, try succulents and cactuses, which need light, well-draining, sandy soil and very little water. You can also look for sansevieria, a tall houseplant that’s tough to kill. Spider plants and pothos are more good choices for low-maintenance indoor plants, but be careful if you have small children or pets; pothos can make them sick. Kalanchoes are another good choice, and they also bloom. Calatheas are dramatic in color and form, but are relatively easy keepers with tall, upright leaves. Begonias are another bloomer that also come in a range of leaf colors for a vibrant pop even when they aren’t blooming.
For those with truly black thumbs, head to the crafts store and invest in fake plants. Fake succulents are trendy and, with some varieties, you can barely tell the difference between the fake and the real. Stick them in decorative vase fillers or aquarium gravel.