Life + Style

When to Plant Your Garden

It’s easy to get overexcited, but some seeds aren’t ready to be sown. Year-round gardening has never been easier with indoor planters and greenhouses. But there’s nothing like a traditional garden, which provides fresh flavors […]


Think Positive

When things aren’t going your way, it’s easy to shut yourself off from the world and assume everything will get worse. Practicing positive thinking can remove the invisible rain cloud and let in the sunshine. […]


Springtime Pet Safety

Enjoying the sun and even taking a relaxing dip are two hallmarks of warm-weather activity. But be sure to follow some simple but important rules to guarantee your time in the sun doesn’t take a […]


Easy Easter Dessert

Hosting an Easter meal? Once the ham or turkey is devoured, your guests will be looking for a rich dessert to top off their holiday experience. Fortunately for them, the Easter bunny is ready to […]


Easter Brunch Recipes

Easter brunch is a great way to bring family and friends together after Sunday services. Make-ahead recipes make this festive occasion even better, as you can spend more time with your loved ones. Keep reading […]


Wine Column: Wines for Unusual situations 

By Bennet Bodenstein For many years I have been recommending wines to readers for their enjoyment or for possible purchase as gifts. I have recommended wines for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, New Years, and a […]